A Short Note

First, thank you Laura, Johanna, and Clare for a wonderful break from work. It is always such a pleasure to see you! I can't wait to see you again.

Just a short note tonight. I heard a portion of a radio show recently, an interview with someone who wrote a book about his personal experience with a family member suffering from alzheimer's. One comment went something like this: to have your memory robbed (as in alzheimer's) would be like never having lived. This idea comes as close to capturing the essence of my reasons for pursuing this blog as anything I have heard or thought of to date. At some point, I realized I might as well have been a fictional TV character if I wasn't grounded in some way to a real and fleshed out past. And the more I dig into my memory and reinforce it with images, research, and discussion, the less fictional I feel, and that is good.

Got a long day tomorrow - good night.


Anonymous said…

jo says hi.

Anonymous said…

Anonymous said…